Top 3 Tips for Artist’s Block
In an Artist’s Block? It happens. To all of us. Let’s try some simple techniques to get out of that rut.
How To Get Out of an Artist's Block
Some of these, you’ve heard before. But it can’t hurt to hear them again! And actually give them a try. These have worked for me at various times in my art career. So grab a few supplies, don’t overthink it and just start!
1) Try a New Medium
Have you purchased some new art supplies but haven’t tried them yet? Still sitting on your shelf? Or worse, still in the packaging? Been there, done that! Take a piece of paper, art journal or canvas and just create a swipe across. Now create a pattern with another color OR better yet, another new unused material. Keep going, filling up the page with patterns and new supplies.
2) Geek Out List
Are you a list maker? (I am!) Even if you aren’t, try this technique to help you get inspired. List 5 things that you absolutely love to GEEK out about. These don’t have to be what you normally draw, paint, sculpt, write or sing about. Say, you love baking, walks in nature, portraits, space and 1980s fashion. Now, do a sketch using at least 3 of these things. It will be weird. But it’ll be all YOU!
3) Random Picks
Open a dictionary (or any book) to a random page. Look at the top word on the left hand page. Write it down. Do this 2 more times. You now have 3 random words. Force yourself to sketch something using these 3 words. It won’t be easy. But it will get you out of your head, and just creating something. Let someone (something) else decide what subject to draw (paint, write or sing about) for once. It’s very liberating!
Hope these three exercises help you get inspired to move beyond your block.
Happy creating!